Insight: Why Do Customers Shut Off When I Try to Ask Questions to Build Rapport?
This is a question we get asked a lot, especially now that everyone is working remote.
Before you might have grabbed a cup of coffee and worked in some light chit chat.
But now that doesn’t seem to land…why?
Customers shut off when they don’t trust you or they simply don’t connect with you.
Building rapport takes time and it’s different for everyone.
Some customers are warm up to you immediately like a puppy wagging its tail for attention, while others will give you the cold shoulder because they don’t trust anyone.
Your job is not running for governor.
Your job is to help the customer solve their problems for their reasons.
You really don’t need to talk about hobbies or schools.
You don’t need to anxiously research the prospect online and find common ground.
Actually, that can be a little bit creepy. *laughs*
We usually find that one or two questions about their role and their location or their current situation is sufficient to build rapport.
After all, a customer should hope that you’re there as an expert resource to help them solve their burning problems.
Connection is a skill.
If you show up as the real you, practice your questions and make it clear that you’re there to help, you should have no problem.
By the way, we see this every day.
You should be able to do this in two to three minutes.
The customer makes their decision in the first 30 seconds.
So don’t overlook the need to be the real you.