Tip: What’s the #1 Thing You Can Do to Gain Customer Trust?
What is the number one thing I can do to gain customer trust?
Well, the number one thing you can do to gain customer trust is to show up fully present and be the real you.
You can’t fake who you are and customers can spot a fake from a mile away.
I see reps who try to be too smart or too polished and they alienate the customer without even knowing it.
Customers want to see the real you warts bumps and all.
And once you show up as the real you, they will want to know that you care.
That’s a whole video series in and of itself, but it’s the simplest form.
Customers want to know that you have their best interest at heart, not just showing up to sell them something.
The sales trainers who say fake it until you make it are full of shit.
Customers are ready for the real you. Trust me.